A year ago, almost to the day, I was told my cancer had returned. A sudden punch to the gut…a tornado of fear and anxiety…a tidal wave of emotion…
I remember checking in a week or so after my first round of chemo and the doctor told me I was doing great. But what he didn’t know is that I’m a pretty good liar. I pulled off a surprise party for my highly observant husband and I’ll never forget the way my dad looked at me when he saw the genuine surprise on my husband’s face. He turned to me with shock and awe and solemnly said, “You are a good liar.” I could tell he was scanning the highlight reel of my childhood wondering if I was a good liar all along. I changed the subject.
Anyway, back to cancer…I left that first toxicity check (their wording not mine) and knew I needed help. My body wasn’t registering the toxicity yet, but I certainly was feeling it. Every step of the cancer journey felt visceral. I was still getting beat up and whirled around and overwhelmed. Until…two months later, there was a brochure in the doctor’s office for therapeutic support. I called as soon as I got home that afternoon and started meeting with a therapist every week, then every two weeks, then every month. And today, I graduated! She kept saying “discharged”, which to me is like using the word moist. Ewww! Typically, one does not speak of discharge in polite society. So, I’m sure you will all join me back in the camp of the graduated!!!
During our graduation conversation my therapist mentioned I presented with “mild anxiety and depression”. While I’ll readily accept a diagnosis that puts me on the “mild” scale, I had to chuckle internally. I don’t recall feeling “mild”. And then I thought of salsa (because that is a natural thought progression obviously). I’ve had mild salsa, and I have had MILD salsa. Unless you are using the Scoville Scale or putting quantitative measurement to something, mild is incredibly relative. “Mild anxiety and depression”. I felt like I was on the literal verge of losing my s#*t.
But today I graduated! And as everybody knows, once one graduates, it’s smooth sailing! Chuckle, chuckle. I had a physical check-up with my oncologist a couple of days ago and it was nice to see the genuine joy in his eyes replacing the deep concern and sorrow. He says I’m healthy! I still have to take care of the annual checks, being a woman of a certain age, but my oncologist says I’m healthy!! I realize there may come a day where I might not be able to say that. But today is not that day.
Here’s my secret for going from “mild” to “graduated”. Step 1.) Embrace your reality. 2.) Only spend your precious energy on the few things you can control (Mel Robbins would say what you think, what you do or don’t do, and how you process your emotions). And 3.) don’t be afraid to talk about what you’re feeling and/or get help. And you too can progress from “mild” to “graduated”.
Oh, and I think there’s a fourth thing. 4.) Never miss an opportunity to celebrate the shiny moments in life. Sometimes you have to look for them. But there’s a well-accepted principle…you find what you seek.
Happy cosmic scavenger hunting!!! And if you ever need someone to help you look, shoot me a message.
Grace and Peace!
Photo credits: 113698591 © Lou Sisneros | Dreamstime.com