Death and taxes…

“…But in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”

-Benjamin Franklin, in a letter to Jean-Baptiste Leroy, 1789

I would have to add to that short list.


I think change is certain. Empires rise and fall. Flowers bloom and fade. The years tick away, absorbing our youth and elasticity. Says the woman who just had a birthday.

Change seems to be as certain as death and taxes. We all live on the cusp of change. And it doesn’t really matter what the change is. Change just is. It happens often and in varying degrees. The addition of a child, the loss of a loved one. A new address, job, direction. I’ve spent some time recently, struggling to embrace the excitement and heartache of change. And I’ve discovered that change hits me in one or all of the following areas.

Change disrupts comfort.

Last December we moved to a new house in a new city. Not far from our old house but definitely far enough away to leave me looking for a new grocery store. And finding a new grocery store is obnoxious. It sounds petty but you know I’m right. Walking into a giant warehouse size space with no idea which direction to go to find mayonnaise. It can be intense. Not to mention moving away from people you love. It’s uncomfortable. Then I’m reminded by that annoying often faint voice of reason that maybe the pursuit of comfort is not the highest or noblest ambition. I doubt Mother Teresa was concerned with her comfort. I hate that voice sometimes.

Change disrupts control.

I’ll admit it. I’m a control addict. There’s a certain high that comes from watching a great plan come together. But trying to control life is like holding water in your hands. Even if you are strong enough to sustain it safely in your cupped hands, it will eventually evaporate. Loosing my grasp of the circumstances around me means I’m back to controlling what I was meant to control. My tongue and my attitude.

Change disrupts confidence.

There are no guarantees. The inevitable “What if?” What if it doesn’t turn out? What if I fail? But those aren’t really valid questions. Those are surface questions. I’m not concerned that things won’t work out. They always do. My concern is that things won’t work how I want them to. (See paragraph above.)


The leaves on the trees change every year. It’s just around the corner. They burn with glorious color to celebrate the sublime summer. This year, I intend to take a cue from them. As this season in my life ushers in change, may I be engulfed in vibrant hues of celebration for what has been and what is waiting for me around the corner.

What change is happening in your life right now?

4 thoughts on “Death and taxes…

  1. But with change comes growth. I love this: “Real growth begins when you step out of your comfort zone”. Keep steppin’, my sweet friend. I’m soooo excited for you!

  2. Ah, change! Great point — we don’t like it because it messes with our illusion of control. When we found our sense of security on things remaining the same or things remaining within our control, we’ll find ourselves pretty miserable.

    Whenever I start to lean too heavily on something (a source of income, or a routine schedule, or a particular person), I remind myself to back off and remember that it may not always be there. For a while my pendulum actually swung waaay in the other direction — I felt the enjoyment wasn’t worth the pain of losing whatever it was… so I just decided I didn’t need to enjoy anything. I would just do my job and that was good enough. Only… it wasn’t.

    It takes some practice, but I think I’m learning to enjoy things without becoming too dependent on them remaining the same.

    1. I wholeheartedly agree with the practice thing! Trusting God for the outcome and enjoying the process is quite a dance. But check you out! You can do it in heals!!!

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